
Thursday, September 29, 2011

My Garden

I've never had a garden before. We lived in houses when I was growing up but I never really noticed the gardens. I've lived in flats for the last 20 years and have been lucky to keep a pot plant alive.

We moved into this house in January this year and it has more garden than you could ever want. Nobody had lived there for a while and it was a pretty hot and harsh summer, so it was a bit sparse but we weeded, pulled up dead stuff and watered and watered and watered. Winter came and everything was so lovely and green but I'm not a gardener and didn't really know what was planted there.

This spring has been awesome. Every day, something new appears. It's a bit of a hodge podge but I really love it.

We have these :

And these :

And some of these :

And tons of these (I love them) :

And we also have one of these :

Yes, that's my porch roof. Yes, I sit under it every day. Yes, that's my lounge room right through those doors. Yes, my kids leave the doors open every time they go out. Yes, it's September. Yes, snakes are supposed to be hibernating.

We might move back to a flat this summer. Still deciding.

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